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INSIGHT 2021: What can we learn from the pandemic to reduce health inequalities

Professor John Wright Director, Bradford Institute for Health Research

What can we learn from the pandemic to reduce health inequalities?

The COVID pandemic has highlighted the stark inequalities in health that exist in the UK and globally. This session reflected on some of the learning from the NHS frontline in Bradford and how data, science and community engagement was harnessed to protect a city.

There is a second pandemic that is killing far more people than COVID – that of non-communicable disease. There are no simple vaccines or silver bullets for this pandemic. The solutions lie in tackling the wider determinants of health that interact in our complex social and urban systems.

The session described one example of how a systems approach, that focuses on prevention rather than cures, is being applied in Bradford.

Professor John Wright is a doctor and epidemiologist with a background in hospital medicine and public health in the UK and in Africa. He established and leads the Bradford Institute for Health Research and Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research, working to speed up the translation of medical research into practice and policy. He is the Director of Research for the City of Bradford.


INSIGHT 2021: What can we learn from the pandemic to reduce health inequalities?

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