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INSIGHT 2021: Insight to Action. What Works?

Jonathan Breckon Director at Breckon Consulting Ltd and a Senior Policy Advisor
Jamie Hobday Partnership Teams Manager for Walsall at West Midlands Police

Insight to Action. What works?

It has been estimated that it can take up to 17 years to translate evidence into practice – how can we change that?

In this session we heard from a diverse panel of speakers who shared their experiences of research and practice across a range of sectors. Learn about what works (and what doesn’t!) in different contexts and what happens when well-conceived plans meet reality.

Jonathan is passionate about the smarter use of research, from across all disciplines and all methods, and how it can improve public policy and peoples’ lives. He has over two decades of experience mobilising research to improve policy and practice.

  • Jamie Hobday: Partnership Teams Manager for Walsall at West Midlands Police

Jamie is responsible for a small team of specialists in youth/police issues, vulnerability, ASB, communications and engagement, and alcohol licensing. Also supports the Neighbourhood Policing Unit of Walsall in strategy and collaboration with partners.

Alison is passionate about using evidence synthesis and knowledge mobilisation skills to provide actionable insights for decision makers. Alison leads an evidence analysis service, providing high quality analysis of research-derived and implementation evidence to support transformation and strategic commissioning – typically through rapid reviews and desk research, often integrated with qualitative or quantitative analysis. Alison has highly regarded skills in knowledge management; literature searching; appraisal; data extraction; summary writing; and synthesis.

INSIGHT 2021: Insight to Action. What Works?

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