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INSIGHT 2021: Data for the head, stories for the heart

Kathryn Mannix Clinician, writer and thinker
A picture of Justine Wiltshire
Justine Wiltshire Senior Analyst, the Strategy Unit The Strategy Unit
Ollie Minton Clinician, educator and academic

Death is certain, yet our planning doesn’t reflect this. At the individual level, conversations and preparations are frequently missing or patchy. And at the population level we also don’t plan well for what is coming.

So how do we improve this? How can we make better use of data and analysis that shows what populations need? How can we make best use of individual stories and experiences to inspire change? And what are the best ways of combining data for the head with stories for the heart?

This session covered these questions, drawing on different perspectives:

  • Kathryn Mannix is a clinician, writer and thinker. Her latest book is ‘Listen: How to Find the Words for Tender Conversations’. Kathryn is on a mission to improve experiences of death and dying, using stories and conversations to do so. She will outline her views on why care at the end of life is so important, what needs to change, and how the combination of data and stories can bring this about.
  • Justine Wiltshire is a senior analyst at the Strategy Unit with a specialism in end of life. She wants to see better use of data in the planning and provision of services. Justine will present headline results from her work and talk about the role of the analyst in creating change.
  • Ollie Minton is a clinician, educator and academic. He uses data, stories and conversation to make the case for improving care for the population of Sussex. Ollie will cover the process of using these sources to make the case for improving services, drawing out examples of success and also areas where more is needed.

INSIGHT 2021: Data for the head, stories for the heart

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