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Midlands Analyst Network – Fortnightly Huddles

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Next Huddle: 22nd September 2022 – Understanding the ageing patterns of the population in NW London: A survival analysis

Recent analysis has found that demand for health and social care may not necessarily increase in line with an ageing population. Because older people may stay healthy for longer, or they may experience milder health conditions. The Health Economics Unit, with support from the REAL Centre, investigated whether this was the case in North West London.

In this Huddle we will cover:

  • Theories on whether an ageing population leads to higher lifetime health and social care spending
  • Introduction to Survival Analysis
  • Methodology for the North West London analysis
  • Results from our analysis
  • Recommendations and caveats

It would be useful but not essential to have some basic analytical skills to understand the technical elements of this huddle but everyone is very welcome!

After this session, you’ll have a good understanding of survival analysis, recent literature and a case study on the use of survival analysis

Your presenters will be Yihan Xu and Santosh Kumar (Health Economics Unit).