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Thinking tools for decision making: 1-day workshop

1st April - 31st March
One day workshop

Thinking tools for decision making

Decision Quality, Thinking Tools and Economics for non-economists – a trio of highly popular face-to-face workshops to improve decision making – see the development workshop flyer for more information.

95 % of attendees said this training was ‘excellent’ and 100% said they would recommend it

Health and care services need people who can think clearly, flexibly and analytically. People who can cast new light on familiar problems, and who can create new routes around long-standing obstacles. Services need people with strong ‘thinking skills’.

The good news is that these skills can be learnt. So the Strategy Unit , working on behalf of the Midlands Decision Support Network, is offering this one-day, face-to-face training workshop on ‘Thinking Tools’.

Fraser is a very knowledgeable and experienced trainer and is passionate about delivering this training and helping people to make better decisions.  The feedback has been excellent – here’s just a few of  the comments from the last session:

Fraser had the ability to open up the lid to really complex issues for us to look into, without it getting too overwhelming. The room was great, the catering and location were great… Really excellent day

The timing was great, location next to the train station. Lunch provided, excellent trainer – thoroughly enjoyable day and learnt a lot.

One of the best training sessions I’ve attended

Your Trainer:

Led by Fraser Battye, the workshop will cover tools for: understanding problems, creating solutions, and analysing solutions before implementing them.

Who is the workshop for:

The workshop is for anyone who wants to think more critically and creatively. So you could be an analyst, a team lead / manager, a programme or service lead, a clinical lead, a strategic lead – anyone who has to think and make decisions in some way.

This is a free workshop open to anyone working in health and care in the Midlands.

Workshop content:

The session is informal and interactive. You will choose which tools to cover, from a selection including: pre-mortems; problem trees; regression to the mean; breaking the rules; thinking on the margin; Ulysses pacts (and many more). But you don’t need to know what these tools are, before you come.

The session is also practical. You will apply the tools to your situation. So you should bring examples of problems, challenges and decisions that you face.

By the end of the day, you will have learnt new ways of seeing familiar things. You will be a more independent and analytical thinker, with practical tools to support you in future.

This is a one-day face to face workshop.

You might also be interested in the following  training courses:

For more information about this course, please contact:

Training & Development Operational Lead, Rachel Caswell