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Improving and evaluating services across organisational boundaries

1st April - 31st March
One day workshop

Improving and evaluating services across organisational boundaries with the Public Sector Scorecard

This interactive workshop will give you considerable insight into performance management in health and public services. Integrated Care Systems work together with various different organisations and this workshop will not only help you to improve services but also to evaluate them. It will enable you to use strategy mapping, the Balanced Scorecard and the Public Sector Scorecard. The latter is an integrated strategy mapping, service improvement and performance measurement framework for the public and third sectors, which has been used in six continents. Its outcome focus has proved particularly useful in working across organisational boundaries in health and public services.

Outline of the content:

The workshop will be interactive with breakout groups. You will be encouraged to apply the learning to your own organisation or project. Topics covered include the following:

  • Eleven essentials of performance measurement
  • Systems thinking in health and public services
  • The balanced scorecard and strategy mapping
  • The Public Sector Scorecard
  • Dashboards and all that – issues in measuring performance
  • Developing strategy maps and performance measures for your organisation or project

Benefits of Attending:

  • Learn how to use the Balanced Scorecard and the Public Sector Scorecard to develop strategy maps and associated performance measures for your own or a client organisation.
  • Be able to manage and measure performance, based on a culture of innovation and learning rather than a top-down blame culture.
  • Greater understanding of delivering user-focussed services, systems thinking, and measuring and managing performance in the public sector.
  • Understand the role and purpose of strategy mapping, the balanced scorecard and the public sector scorecard in delivering better outcomes for service users and other stakeholders.
  • Learn from several case studies on performance management across organisational boundaries (including integrating health and adult social care, reducing obesity & smoking cessation).
  • A unique chance to benefit from tailored and bespoke training from the founder of the Public Sector Scorecard to help drive improvements in performance in your own department and organisation.
  • Insight and tips on the latest methodologies and thinking to help drive successful service outcomes.
Max Moullin


The workshop will be delivered by Max Moullin, director of the Public Sector Scorecard Research Centre and a doctorate supervisor at Sheffield Business School, where he was a principal lecturer for over 25 years.

He is author of the book Delivering Excellence in Health and Social Care, which has sold over 3,000 copies, and a senior consultant at the Balanced Scorecard Institute. He is a fellow of the Operational Research Society, the Chartered Quality Institute, the Performance Institute (USA) and the Royal Society of Arts. His early career was in operational research in central government (health, environment and transport) and in British Coal. He is an experienced workshop facilitator and plenary speaker who has worked extensively in health and social care.

Pre-requisites: None


This course is free and available to all those working in the health and care in the Midlands , e.g. NHS, Public Health, Local Authority, ICSs/ICBs etc

The workshop is especially suitable for managers, analysts and professionals working in health and care.


1 full day



For more information about this course, please contact:

Training & Development Operational Lead, Rachel Caswell