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Blog: Insight 2022 – Opening session-Working together to be intelligence led

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This year we’re opening the INSIGHT festival with a look at how the past can help us shape the future. 

Join our first speaker, Nuffield Trust Chief Executive Nigel Edwards, as he leads an expert panel exploring the challenges that ICSs face in becoming ‘learning systems’ and how we can maximise their potential. 

The Decision Support Network model, that began in the Midlands, has recently been adopted by the South West region. In developing intelligence functions and considering adopting the Decision Support Network model, how can ICSs ensure they learn from history and maximise their potential? 

Nigel has a huge range of experience in key decision-making roles, including working for the King’s Fund, KPMG’s global practice and the NHS Confederation, where he was Director of Policy and later Chief Executive. 

Joining Nigel is an expert panel including: 

  • Office for Health Improvement and Disparities director Sue Ibbotson 
  • Improvement Director for the West Midlands branch of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services Pete Jackson 
  • Lead for the South West Decision Support Network and Head of Improvement Delivery for NHS England (South West region) Ali Loftus-Hill 
  • Programme Director for the Midlands Decision Support Network and Principal Consultant for the Strategy Unit Simon Bourne