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Insight 2022 – Day 6 – Losing women

28th November 2022, 10:00 – 11:30

Part of INSIGHT 2022

Losing Women

Did you know that a fifth of all NHS employees are of menopausal age? The Strategy Unit and Health Economics Unit launched their report exploring the impact of the menopause on the NHS workforce at this year’s INSIGHT festival.

At the INSIGHT session, an expert panel discussed the key findings of the mixed methods study and the implications of these findings for the NHS workplace.

• What are the characteristics of NHS women of menopausal age?

• What is it like to experience the menopause as a NHS employee?

• What does it cost the NHS as an employer?

The project leads Abeda Mulla (Strategy Unit), Justine Wiltshire (Strategy Unit) and Lisa Cummins (Health Economics Unit) were joined by panellists Jacqui McBurnie (Chair of the NHS England Menopause Network) and Liz Miller (Director of Nursing and Urgent Care, Midlands & Lancashire CSU). The session was facilitated by Karen Bradley (Strategy Unit)

Abeda said: “Menopause symptoms are likely to affect up to a fifth of NHS employees right now. It’s important that the impact of this is recognised across NHS teams and organisations, so that women can be supported at work.

“This is a great opportunity to bring this experience to light, as well as put some data behind it. Together we can act and lead change from the inside.”

If you have any questions regarding the festival, please contact Rachel Caswell

Losing Women