From the 1st October, all MSDN content will be hosted on the Strategy Unit website and this website will no longer be available.

Please head over to view all our fantastic work completed by the Midlands Decision Support Network.

Knowledge Library – Content Management Strategy

30th September 2020

Alison Turner Head of Evidence Analytics The Strategy Unit

The Knowledge Library is a collection of evidence and analysis produced by Midlands Decision Support Network (MDSN), to encourage knowledge sharing and avoid unnecessary duplication.

The Library is managed by an editorial team who will ensure content is relevant and current.

The knowledge library …

  • acts as the “collective memory” of the Midlands Decision Support Network
  • acts as a “knowledge commons” enabling knowledge mobilisation
  • is the first port of call as part of a check for what we already know before conceptualising/framing or commissioning new work

The content management strategy sets out the rules and guidance that will be used to decide that content is suitable for inclusion in the library. Please do send any content for the knowledge library to Alison Turner

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