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Blog: Insight 2022 – Understanding the links between delayed discharges and hospital congestion

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In January 2022 NHS figures showed that more than 12,000 patients occupying hospital beds in England no longer met the ‘criteria to reside’.  

Eric Wolstenholme suggests that the potential savings to health from reducing delays to discharge are being significantly underestimated in current solutions but that realising these savings is very challenging …

The case for Health subsidies to Social Care is strong in terms of saving beds but is overwhelming in terms of reducing hospital congestion.”

In this data-led session Professor Wolstenholme will examine the impact of delayed discharge on hospital congestion, and the unintended consequences of reactive strategies to counter congestion for patients, staff and performance.

The talk will use system maps and archetypes to trace out feedback connections within hospital patient flows which give rise to congestion.