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Creativity and Analysis

7th November - 7th November
One day workshop
23 Stephenson Street Birmingham, B2 4BJ

One day In-person

  • 07/11/23 Registration now closed.

MDSN workshop on creativity and analysis

Do you want to be more creative in your work as an analyst? Do you want tips, practices, exercises and methods for developing this creativity in your daily work? Do you want to help others explore and expand their natural creativity?

Then come to this one-day Midlands Decision Support Network workshop on ‘Analysis and Creativity’. Bring your own crayons.


‘Analysis’ and ‘creativity’ don’t often share the same sentence. Analysts don’t typically think of themselves as being creative, or dare say it out loud if they do. And it would be rare for decision makers to demand that analysis is done ‘more creatively’.

But is this right? Is there scope for seeing analysis as a genuinely creative act? The best analysts seem to think and communicate in interesting and creative ways, so is this an area for development?

The recent Midlands Analyst Network Huddle began to explore this territory. Fraser Battye (Strategy Unit) and Gordon Stovin (Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust) spoke about the importance of creativity in analysis, creativity at different stages of the analytical process, and ways of putting creativity into your work.

This workshop, also led by Gordon and Fraser, explores these issues in more depth.

Participants will gain:

  • Insights into why creativity matters, and the role it can play in analysis.
  • Self confidence that they are creative.
  • Practices, methods, tips, tools and exercises for enhancing creativity in themselves, their team and (maybe even) their organisation.

Along the way we’ll explore the role that creativity outside of work can bring to your work, and the benefits of having a side project.

This exploratory workshop will be highly interactive and participatory. People should come prepared to contribute and to learn from each other. It’s going to be fun!

This workshop will be led by:

Audience and pre-requisites
Audience: Anyone who works as an analyst in health and care in the Midlands
No pre-requisites

Date: 7th November

Place: 23 Stephenson Street Birmingham, B2 4BJ (~1 minute walk from New Street Station)

Time: registration and coffee at 9:45, session start at 10:00 and end at 15:30.

Registration now closed.

Please contact Rachel Caswell to be a notified of future dates.