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Analytical Concepts for Leaders

One day workshop

Analytcal Concepts for Leaders Training

Successfully leading and managing in a complex system requires high quality decision making based on sound reasoning and analysis. However, many leaders do not have a background in data, analytics and systems science. Despite the ever-increasing amount of data and sophistication of analytical methods, leaders can feel confused.

For example:

“As we try to work as a system, what are some of the key tenets of system science that we should be aware of?”

“So much of the environment we work in generates uncertainty – how can we get better at working with uncertainty rather than being undermined by it?”

“I want greater use of predictive risk modelling to achieve earlier intervention in disease progression – what do I need to think about in assessing where such approaches will deliver value?”

“How can we evaluate interventions before going live?”

“I want to understand whether our initiatives to change patterns of demand are working – what do I need to be watching out for in analysis that addresses that?”

“What does it mean for us to be a learning organisation?”

This innovative course offers powerful insights and approaches that allow you to understand and address the sorts of questions described. This course is especially designed to explain key analytical concepts that are essential for leadership and management. This is not a statistics course!. Instead, the course is a unique blend of different domains on knowledge underpinned by analytical thinking that will help leaders to:

  • Understand how to use data for improvement and learning
  • Understand why plans are theories to aid learning which can be evaluated before going live
  • Understand how to enhance decision making by embracing, not ignoring, uncertainty

The course begins with an overview of decision quality and then uses a series of Socratic exercises to provide an intuitive understanding of fundamental analytical concepts (which includes; statistical process control, flaw-of-averages, regression to the mean, evaluating interventions and causal interpretation, and uncertainty) which provide a strong basis for becoming more confident and effective canvassers and consumers of analytics in complex systems.

This course aims to:

  • Develop the relationship between analysts and decision makers
  • Support better quality decision making in complex systems

Your trainer:

Professor Mohammed A Mohammed

Mohammed works in the space between academia and service delivery. He has 100+ research papers relating to health service research, healthcare quality and safety, evaluation of complex interventions, decision support systems and applied statistical methods. These include landmark papers in the Lancet (on variation), BMJ (hospital mortality statistics), and a prize-winning study that developed an electronic frailty index for primary care (Age and Ageing). Mohammed has a keen interest in training and development in areas such systems thinking, decision making, statistical process control and improvement science.

Who is this course for?

The focus for this course is for leaders who are interested in how to enhance the quality of decision making via intuitive understanding of analytical concepts. We also encourage the attendance of senior analysts, as we seek to enhance the quality of decision making with analytics.


There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Duration and format: 

One day: 9.30 – 15.45, in person

Register your interest:

Please email


Please email for information about individual or group costs for this course.

For more information:

Contact the Training & Development Operational Lead, Rachel Caswell

Course resources for attendees

The course is designed to be delivered in person and benefits from discussions and interaction between trainees and with the trainer.  The course resources on this webpage should be used alongside the post training ‘pack’ (which is currently being developed) – together they will help consolidate what has been learned during the training, facilitate further learning and provide information to allow some of the key analytical concepts and their applications to be shared with others.

This aims to be an aide memoir for trainees who have been on the course and will allow them to share their learning and enthusiasm with colleagues to broaden the understanding and use of powerful analytical techniques in health and care decision making.

The training is delivered through a series of Socratic exercises, reflections, and discussions.  These exercises help explain different analytical concepts and are categorised into four ‘swim lanes’ to structure the learning into logical phases:

  • Understanding variation
  • Appreciation of Systems thinking
  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Understanding that every plan/decision is a theory

Some of the material is self explanatory but some material will make more sense when learned during the training session.


Material / exersises that are part of the training

  • Core presentation
  • Understanding variation
  • Appreciation of Systems Thinking
  • Dealing with uncertainty
  • Every decision is a theory
  • The order in which the training is delivered will vary each time, depending on who is in the room so bear this in mind when reviewing the core presentation.  And also the exercises as presented under each tab are designed to be delivered ‘in person’ and might lose some meaning when shared in a different way.


    For more information about this course, please contact:

    Training & Development Operational Lead, Rachel Caswell (